The Story of Alan Turing

Alan Turing is the man who first came up with the concept of binary 0's and 1's (the basis for all of our present day digital technology), and he is considered to be the founding father of computer science.

Alan is the man who broke the code for the Enigma machine which was used by the Nazi's during World War II.  Alan also made significant contributions to the concept of Artificial Intelligence.

Yet, despite his brilliance and achievements, while living in the United Kingdom Alan was convicted of homosexuality in 1952, and in 1954 he died of an apparent suicide.

Alan's life is portrayed in the drama-documentary Codebreaker and in the movie The Imitation Game.


One must question the health and wellness of a civilization, society, set of laws, and judicial system that brought so much injustice to, and failed to honor a man like Alan who gave so much to mankind.


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