Conservative Political Commentator DeAnna Lorraine Says "God Does Not Want Us Wearing Masks"

Note: Scroll to the bottom of this post to view a Nov 6, 2020 update.

DeAnna Lorraine is a conservative political commentator and author, and she hosts a podcast entitled "Taking Back America!"

According to her website (9/26/20), Lorraine has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and other media outlets, and she has delivered "riveting speeches" at many conservative events.

I hadn't heard of Lorraine until just recently when I saw her name in a post while scrolling through my Facebook Home page. The post showed a photo of Lorraine with a title "God Does Not Want Us Wearing Masks."

Of course, this title got my attention, so I did a simple Google search and discovered she's been saying some very controversial things lately. The website Right Wing Watch has a live, ongoing list of things Lorraine has been saying.

As of 9/03/20, Lorraine is the full-time host of the Alex Jones' show InfoWars, which is an "alt-right", extremist, conspiracy theory oriented broadcast. In Lorraine's first day as host, she defended Jones' Sandy Hook conspiracy theory.

Jul 16, 2020:

Lorraine's 47-minute podcast for today is entitled "People who Don't Wear MASKS are Less Intelligent? New "Study!"

Near the end of the podcast (40:50), right after she talks about a potential coronavirus vaccine having "mouse genes" and "robotic nano particles", she says she has some "Biblical verses" that she will share next time (because, she said, she was running out of time today), and then she says the following:

Biblically, God does not want us wearing masks. Masks are a symbol also of hiding yourself, of doing bad deeds, inappropriate deeds, or malicious things that you need to hide from. And it is also a symbol of stripping us of our unique identity because [when] we're wearing a mask, we're not unique anymore, we're all the same. And God doesn't see us that way. He sees us as he created all unique individuals.

He also sees us as being good, and anyone who is doing good deeds should not be living and hiding in the shadows behind a mask. And lastly, A mask is a symbol of fear. You're living in fear. If you have a mask on, it means you actually don't trust God. You don't have faith. You're living in fear instead of faith. And of course, the Marxist globalist Satanists that are pushing all this, they are trying to invert reality and pervert God and Christians, and they want to take us away, isolate us from God, isolate us from other humans, and make us, deprive us of that faith so that we rely on the government, the media, telling us what to do and telling us whether to be fearful or not, than, instead of God.


Loarraine, DeAnna. (July 16, 2020). "People who Don't Wear MASKS are Less Intelligent? New "Study!". YouTube. Retrieved 2020-09-26.

Mantyla, Kyle. (July 16, 2020). "DeAnna Lorraine Claims That 'God Does Not Want Us Wearing Masks'". Right Wing Watch. Retrieved 2020-10-03.


I spend very little time researching things I consider to be "alt-right" conspiracy theories, but when I hear someone connect religion and their religious beliefs with something as simple as wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of a deadly virus, I simply can't ignore it. I think it's vitally important for all Americans to be aware of just how radical some Christians and "alt-right" people are, because it's their radical beliefs that help drive our overall political discourse, the ongoing war on truth, and the outcomes of elections.

It's absolutely ludicrous and dangerous, to say and believe that you shouldn't wear a mask because it's essentially against God's will and that you should instead trust God and have faith in God. Regardless of your religious and political views, you really need to stop and think about what Lorraine is saying.

This reminds me of one of those TV series or movies where there is a married couple who is completely torn and in sheer agony because a doctor has told them their child needs a blood transfusion or some other medical procedure in order to survive, but that transfusion or procedure goes against the couple's religious beliefs. Now, in that case no other people stand to get sick or possibly die, so if the couple feels that strongly, OK, even though I disagree with it, since no other people will be affected physically it's their decision. But with the pandemic it's a whole different scenario because MILLIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE AT RISK.

How "Christian" is it to say that people shouldn't be wearing masks when the health and well-being of so many other people are at stake? I thought that Christians are supposed to care about other people just a much as they care about themselves. Isn't that what's taught in The Bible? I mean, Lorraine really needs to "get a clue" here. She is obviously so wrapped up and "gung-ho" about her own spiritual beliefs that she's willing to put all reason, science, and common sense aside. THESE are the kinds of ideas, beliefs, and "zealots" that all of us need to be concerned about.

Fear exists for a good reason, and there are times when we as humans should heed it's warning. But with masks, it's really more about respect than fear. It's about acknowledging and respecting the fact that the coronavirus has the potential to kill. Yes, there is an element of fear surrounding wearing a mask, but the bigger part of it is about respect and care for everyone else around you, and for the "greater good" of humanity. To say that a mask is a "symbol of fear" is not reasonable, realistic, or accurate - it's just a label that, apparently, fits into Lorraine's religious belief system.

Quite honestly, I am beyond flabergasted that anyone could say what Lorraine is saying, regardless of their religious beliefs. By Lorraine's logic, I guess there is no need for doctors and nurses to wear masks in an operating room in a hospital because it's all up to God anyway so why bother with masks.

I don't know about you, but I think the saying "God helps those that help themselves" is a much more rational and realistic belief system.

And again, this is about protecting OTHER PEOPLE. That's the main reason people should be wearing masks. And if we all do it, then we will all be protected, as much as possible, until the spread of the virus is very low and we have a safe and effective vaccine. And even if a person chooses not to get vaccinated, hopefully enough people will, and we will eventually reach herd immunity.

Rereading Lorraine's comment about the "Marxist globalist Satanists" - good grief, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief. Even if her conspiracy theory about globalists and their grand plan to rule the world has some truth in it, to label them "Satanists" is beyond ludicrous, it's insane. Just because someone doesn't share your religious or political beliefs doesn't, by default, make them a Satanist.

Nov 6, 2020

Regarding Trump's recent COVID-19 diagnosis, On October 2, 2020 Deanna Lorraine said the following:

I'm just going to say what we're all thinking. Trump was fine until the debate, where they set up microphones & podiums for him. Incubation period is usually 2-3 days. He tests positive a couple of days after the debate. I put nothing past the left. NOTHING.#TrumpHasCOVID


Lorraine, DeAnna. (October 2, 2020). "InfoWars' DeAnna Lorraine Claims 'the Left' May Have Given Trump COVID-19 Through His Debate Mic". Right Wing Watch. Retrieved 2020-11-06.


No, we are not "all thinking" that "the Left" intentionally infected Trump with the coroanvirus. This is just another ridiculous right-wing conspiracy theory.

It's pathetic that people like Lorraine continue to spew false information like this. It only helps to further the divide.

One comment on "Conservative Political Commentator DeAnna Lorraine Says "God Does Not Want Us Wearing Masks""

  1. Giving one opinion over another is just that. Where is the proof positive of either argument? One does seem stronger than the other to me, but then again I base it on science. Lorraine's views are aired to be shared with the 'cult' she lives within. I am more concerned with a country that believes 'anything goes'. That morality has no place in the government. Can we be a moral people without being religious?

    Countless folks are deeply religious. Not all are Christians. If I strongly believe in science, then I have a belief system based on science.

    Thus, the Lorraines of this world make more Lorraines, because people want or need to belong. It is my opinion that religion is man-made to keep the 'masses' in tow. Uncle Tom's Cabin is an excellent illustration of that premise. My recollection is that the government used churches and ministers to accomplish the 'masses' in tow cult.

    So how Lorraine managed to become a spokesperson for the 'hangers on' is fully understandable. Do you remember when we had 'Norman Vincent Peal' preaching to us on TV every week? We gave him the same rights we are now giving Lorraine.

    Question is, when is enough, enough. When do we notice that the 'time peace' is swinging away for decency, morality and fairness? And do we care?

    It is my opinion that the American government has become much like that of any other country. We are no longer the 'moral majority'.

    I am deeply concerned, there is a 'civil war' brewing.

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